After my visit to Granite Falls, I could not believe that I still had the ITCH! Apparently, it is supposed to last 8 hours! Well, it has to be over soon because I can't take much more of this itching skin!I notice that the little red flag on the mailbox was up. Oh! I got mail! Now isn't that who would be sending me mail...hey, wait a's a BILL from the Mercantile Merchant company. What? No-one told me about this! (searches pocket for crumpled contract).
The bill is for $648 simoleons and I only have $478 simoleons! And if I don't pay, they are NOT going to refill my cooler with food. NO FOOD? I can't live without food. I LOVE FOOD! What am I going to do?
It's already pretty late in the afternoon, but I still have those little statues that I could sell. So, I set up my yard sale and hope that someone will come by. I even put a trash pile beside my table to kind of LURE those yard salers in!
As dusk falls, I am no richer than when I started! Sheesh! I decide to go in the tent and get out of those itchy clothes. I try to decontaminate the clothes and soak them in a bucket of "rain" water. I hope that works!
I change and feel so much better!

When I come out, I see a note on the table beside the BILL (we won't talk about that right now). Hmmm...a dinner date? At the Puffer Dome? Wow! I always wanted to go there! But, who is this guy? Did I meet him at the yard sale? Oh anyway, I am so excited!

I wonder if there is dancing there...I decide to practice some dance moves that Jeep Girl showed me. Oh my gosh! Look at the time...

I practically run all the way, but at the last minute, slow down and casually stroll up. I don't want to appear too interested after all.
~La-di-da! ~
"The note said to meet you, I am! Thanks for inviting me".
For the life of me, I still can't remember his name. But he knows mine and we head inside."
I saunter up to the little booth and request a table. At the same time, standing beside me, is the Mercantile Food Taster. She is there to ensure food safety. The host says that she has priority seating.
The place is CROWDED! Well, I guess it would be, since it's Friday night and this is the only restaurant in town!
We have to wait a long time for our table so we decide to hit the dance floor. Thank goodness Jeep Girl showed me those moves.
We decide to have a drink at the bar...although it seems that Paolo is a bit distracted...or maybe I am talking too much...
There are tons of people milling around waiting to be seated. Someone knows "my date" and I strain to hear what name they call him....PAOLO...
Oh my gosh! Now I remember...yes..he was at my yard sale. He was the guy who did push-ups in my trash pile!
My mind is jolted back to the present and our host leads us to our table. It's dark and there are candles everywhere. This restaurant is so romantic!
We are getting along so well...well I think we are...
On the way to our table, we pass my neighbors, the Engine family and say hi.
We get to our table and Paolo hands me a rose! It smells faintly of "eau de toilet"... Uh, Paolo where did you get this rose?
I look over the menu and am having problems deciding.
Great menu. So many choices. Decisions....decisions...what shall we have?
Just then the Mercantile Food Taster comes over and we chat about the menu. She tells me to order the Pufferfish Nigiri..."It's really good, dear", she insists, "IT'S TO DIE FOR!" Paolo doesn't think that's such a good idea.
I look over at the Engine family and sneak a peek to see what they're eating. That's the Pufferfish Nigiri and I think I hear them asking if there's a doctor in the house.. Hmmm...
We make our selection...
And just as things heat up...(is it me or is it getting hot in here)...our dinner arrives!
Yum! What a great dish! We both love it!
We're having such a good time and Paolo is giving me "that look". ( know, like he wants to kiss me or something, or maybe he has to go to the outhouse, I don't know, it's dark in here...I can barely see my glass...) And just when I think "This is it!"...IT happens...
...The ground starts to shake, the candles wobble, and the glass rattles on the table, spilling water everywhere. Paolo looks around frantically and shouts EARTHQUAKE!
"Get under the table....protect yourself".... I look around seeing the chaos all around us and try to brace myself from f..a..l..ling down...
Oh my gosh! I've never been in an earthquake before. Everything is shaking, people are screaming, things are falling and crashing all around us...I don't know what to do...I am so scared...
Our waiter runs off in another direction...and part of a wall comes tumbling down..narrowly missing him...There is food and dishes strewn all over the place...
The woman at the next table is crying hysterically...I think her arm is injured...
We try to get out of there as quickly as we can...

We all make it out safely and are standing away from the building. The earthquake has stopped. I am covered in food debris and I think there's a cabbage leaf hanging from my ear...
The world has stopped shaking, but all of a sudden my stomach gurgles and I feel nauseous and, ...well, let's just wasn't pleasant... I am such a fun date!
When I get back, Paolo looks at me strangely and says he's got to go.....
And he runs off...wait..what....was it something I said? What did I do? Is there something in my teeth? What about that romantic evening we just had? Poof! Gone!
All around me, everyone is cheering and celebrating. Hey after an earthquake you just have to party! Look at me! I'm alive! Ba-de-ya Party on!
As for me, I am speechless. I can't believe he just ran off like that. I have no idea what happened. I feel like I missed the class that taught everything you needed to know about survival dating.
When it's safe to go back inside, I remember that I had left something on the table. Wow! They cleaned up pretty fast.
I contemplate the glass on the table and try to figure out what went wrong...."I did say the glass was HALF EMPTY and he said that it was HALF FULL..." Nah, that can't be it...
Just then, the waiter comes towards me.
"Your bill, Madam". My what? My BILL?
Hey, I thought that the water was FREE! The waiter explains it is only free if you order the main dish. Otherwise, there's a cover charge per sim.
Are you kidding me? I was on a date! And now I get stuck with the bill! I can't pay for that!
No simoleons? Follow me!
"'s fortunate that you know the owner, Mad Mud, because otherwise you would be in a worse fate...consider yourself't I tell you NOT to add that much soap...and when you're finished washing those pots..."
" have to clean those fish...but don't use the paring, no, no...use the big cleaver...and the fish guts go in that bucket over there..."
Will this night never end?
I finally get to head home and I'm so very tired, sad and mad all at the same time. I see the flag is up on the mailbox again and I go and see what's in there THIS time.
Just a reminder from the Mercantile Merchant Company that I have less than 24 hours to pay that bill! GRRRRRR!And if the day wasn't bad enough...TODAY was SHOWER day....and I MISSED it! Nooooooo!
Disclaimer: The Puffer Dome accepts no responsibility for earthquakes.The above was a "fictionalization" of what could happen during a Murkland earthquake performed by stunt doubles (There's just a whole lot of shakin' going on--that's it! No tumblin' walls, no food all over the place). The Puffer Dome kitchen is spotless and does not contain the trash items listed in these photos. This is a "fictionalization" of what could happen if you don't pay your restaurant bill in real life. No animals were harmed in the making of this blog (well, maybe the pufferfish, but I didn't do it). Other restrictions may apply. Do not attempt at home.
<3 how entertaining .. <3 Love it
ReplyDeleteThanks for reading! Yes, it was quite a shock when the earthquake started. I didn't know what was going on as the game was going up and down on my screen! I thought it was my computer. I hadn't experienced an earthquake in game yet! lol I wasn't fast enough to take a screen shot of all of them with the little "earthquake" sign above their heads when they left the building. As for the date, why he asked me out is beyond me...probably for free
DeleteGreat chapter! And I love your disclaimer lol.
ReplyDeleteThanks so much for reading. I certainly wasn't expecting that earthquake! lol And I thought that it would be funny to add a disclaimer for the restaurant. Glad you enjoyed it.
DeleteI am loving your story so far! Staging the aftermath of the earthquake was awesome. All of the screenshots were great.
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for reading! Yah, had to stage those shots so it would look real. Can't really take screenies of your own screen shaking! lol
DeleteI am loving your story so far! I especially enjoyed the way you staged and told the story of the earthquake. The screenshots of the aftermath were awesome.
ReplyDeleteThanks so much for reading! I really do work hard on these stories.
DeleteLoving your story so far. The disclaimer is a great touch. So much fun
ReplyDeleteThanks so much for reading and I am so glad that you are enjoying the story :)
DeleteSo fun! The earthquakes are pretty freaky. I wonder what the deal was with Paulo?