When I wake up the next day, I am hungry, tired, hungry (ooh, I think I already said that) ...and needed to use my outhouse...and...Plumbobs! What was that horrible smell? Oh my goodness! IT'S ME!
How could I go for two whole days smelling like a sweaty armpit? I mean, I had things to do, and being uncomfortable was not in the plans. I had to go BACK to Granite Falls...but first things first...I had to make some simoleons to pay that darn bill...and...I had to do something about the smell!
After my "disaster" date last night and missing shower day, I knew I had to use the one and ONLY bottle of deodorizing cream that the Murkland Mercantile Company had provided me. I really had NO choice.
So, with much regret...geez..I was really waiting to use this for an emergency....wait...what am I talking about?...this IS an emergency.
Well, here goes least I can see if it works...
...and it DOES! I feel so sim-like again!
So, after a quick outhouse break...
I go over and look at my trash plants. OH NO! The poor things are parched...water...water...they need water...
After frantically watering my trash plants...phew...they are ok...I sit down and eat some cereal and plan my day....ok, get out stuff for garage sale...make mega simoleons to pay that darn bill and pay for transport to Granite Falls....then...
...I am interrupted in my thoughts...because you will never guess who just turned up on my lot....
You guessed it! Mr. Disaster Date himself. I know, I can't believe it myself! The NERVE of him coming over!
Paolo sheepishly says hi and tries to explain what happened last night...Ok....I'm listening...this better be GOOD!
Then he tells me this BIG story about having some personal crisis that he had to attend to.
....But you LEFT me at the restaurant and I had to pay the bill....and I had no simoleons...and I had to do the dishes...and cut up fish...and HANDLE fish guts....
"I'm sorry, Kate...I want to make it up to you..."
I don't know whether I should believe him or not...and just when I think I am ready to forgive him...
...he says he has to go jogging...what? Again? We're having a heart-to-heart conversation here....and you have to go JOGGING? I never...
He comes back all smiles...and says "So, like, everything's good, right?...."
And just like that, he says he's got to go....
What is it with this guy? Sheesh! I think it must have been a full moon last night...or something in that water...because I don't think he's "The One"!
I decide to clear my head of all things Paolo...a bit of exercise to energize me and think positive thoughts...
And get ready to have those simoleons roll in. No wasting time here...mark-up - 300%!
I even put 2 trash piles beside the table. What can I say? I was desperate!
I open my trash sale...I yard sale...and suddenly all these sims show up...
But nobody is buying anything.
Then I see Lyndon looking at one of my statues...
"you know, Kate...these are a little expensive...." This is Murkland, after all...not SimMacy's..."
"Oh Lyndon, I know....and if it weren't for that darn bill..." I proceed to tell Lyndon the whole bill story.
....and they're going to cut off my food if I don't pay!"
OMG! No, not that!
"...Why didn't you say so. You're such a good friend to me, of course I will buy your over-priced statue. Plus you have to give me that fireleaf plant over there..."
I look over at the "ITCH" plant and make a deal, but tell Lyndon that I am NOT touching that plant.
While Lyndon and I make the deal, another yard saler overhears my plight and says he will buy the last statue.
Oh thank you! Thank you! I am forever grateful! High 5 everyone!
Not wasting any time, I pay my bill and still have $525 simoleons left. Enough to pay for my transport to Granite Falls! YES!
And even Veegan stopped by to help out...I just love this guy...but I had already sold everything...
"Well, Kate...there's a festival on later tonight and a bunch of us are going..want to come along? We can meet there." Wow! You bet I do!
Jeep Girl could hardly contain her excitement and when we see the lights turn on at the Festival grounds, we practically run over.

Just as we walk up to the Festival grounds, we can hear music, and laughter. Everyone seems to be having a good time.
Veegan sees me and comes over to chat with us.
"Kate...come on over to this tent and take a look at this bubble machine! It's so much fun!"
We have a seat and blow a few bubbles. It isn't as easy as it looks...I cough and sputter the first few times...
...Oh look, a choice of flavors...Jade Dragon...Fairy Fizz...oh that's funny...I wonder what Golden Rush does.....
...but I eventually get it...but, ohh...I am feeling a bit light headed. I decide to exit the bubble splendor and get some air...
Just then the headliner DJ gets back in the DJ booth. Wow! Those are some bumping beats. I just can't stand still. Gotta dance and get "MURKY".
Everyone gets the same idea...and the dance floor is packed.
The DJ takes a little break and so do we...we chat, and chat, and chat... and, I realize I need to find the outhouse. Ummm, Veegan, I gotta go..."you know"...

I wander around and find Lavender Pink talking to the DJ in the Refreshment tent...
Soon, we'll all chatting with the DJ and giving her our song requests. I look over at Lavender Pink and think that she may have been in the refreshment tent a bit TOO long...
"Oh my aching head..."
Coming back from the outhouse and "washing up" area, I see something on the ground....Oooooh! What's this?
Over the loudspeakers, the festival organizers announce that the fireworks are about to begin...and BOOM! they do!
Hey's starting...."Whoosh..."
Lavender Pink had never seen fireworks before...
Awe-sim! "Fizz-boom"
Gash is just so mesmerized..."hiss....whoosh..."
...and there are fiery spinners....whirl...spin..spin...
...and a kaleidescope of colors that illuminate the sky...BANG!
The fireworks are so amazing....FizzzZZZZ... was so thrilling...Pop-Pop-Pop!
And as for me.....ha..ha...ha....
I LIT THE FIRST ONE! Yep, it was ME! Woot! Woot!
Wow! So high...BANG!
I don't want this magical night to end. But as the Festival closes and we say our good-byes...
...we reminisce about the night of fun, fireworks, and friends!
<3 TY that was a great update :)
ReplyDeleteThanks! Kate always seems to have "exciting" things happen to her! lol
Deleteawesome chapter ... was this an official festival or did you just invite all those wonderful sims to join your group at the lot? .... is there an option to start a festival? just wondering it looked like a real in game festival!
ReplyDeleteAh, thanks for reading. No, this was just the tent in Murkland, and I did a group travel. Yah, I wish there was an option to start a festival, sort of like start a party!
DeleteLove this stoty <3 I like the humour you put in to it. Can't wait to see her off to Granite Falls again and score the deodorizer recipe :)
ReplyDeleteThanks for reading Freddie. Kate is one determined sim!
DeleteThanks for reading. Yes, I try to keep it light and funny. With all the things that happen in the sims, how can you not? lol
ReplyDeleteLooks like they had a great time!!
ReplyDeleteThanks for reading! Oh yah, who wouldn't have fun at fireworks?
Deleteits on rules you ahve to pay to go granite falls? couse you can go to main lot and no need to pay and go straight to hermit onece you found the secret door ..
ReplyDeleteHi Valdesca, thanks for reading. Yes, you have to go to Granite Falls to become friends with the hermit and to collect the ingredients for the deodorizing cream. Parsley grows at the Hermit's cottage, which is one of the ingredients. You need to collect there, as you are not allowed to grow any other plants other than trash plants on your own lot. The only way you can go to GF is through the campground site, and you have to pay. If it's M W or F you do get to use the shower in the campground.
Deleteby the way i am reading all story amazing funny.. i just downloaded now all stuff not sure if i will follow challenge but i like the idea
ReplyDeleteHi Valdesca, you should try the challenge. It is so much fun. It is very addicting. There is also a Facebook ground called Murkland and there are a wonderful bunch of simmers who play from all over the world. It's great!
DeleteThat festival looked fun! Paolo so not "the one" made me laugh.