Dear Manny,
I received your message -- Oh I am so happy that I have someone to talk to. Since my last message, I have still not found signs of animals or people anywhere. I am beginning to think that I am the OMEGA MAN, like Will Smith in the movie I am Legend. Have you seen it? It's a movie about a plague that hits New York City and he is the last survivor and a scientist who is trying to find a cure for the infected.
Is this my destiny? To find some type of cure? But, where are the infected? Maybe I need to explore some more and haven't found them yet. Do I want to find them? Oh, Manny, I have too much time to Think, Think, Think. And I am not getting any answers.
Maybe you don't even exist and this is all a dream.
But you must exist. I am going to believe that you exist, I trust you, and that I am not going CRAZY!
First of all I must tell you two pieces of exciting news! Well, exciting for me!
The first is that I found a clean water source. I decided to explore around my cave home and heard a "gurgling" sound.
I looked around and found this! It seems to be a natural spring. I did boil it and drank some and feel fine. It is a lot cleaner than the other water source I found. You remember, that icky slime water.
I looked around and found this! It seems to be a natural spring. I did boil it and drank some and feel fine. It is a lot cleaner than the other water source I found. You remember, that icky slime water.
The other thing I found when I was exploring around the cave was a compost pile. Ok, so that alone isn't too exciting.
But, I decided to bury some of the garbage in the soil.

I picked some of this "trash" fruit and....well...yep....you guessed it....I decided to try some.
Well, I guess it's ok. At least I have something to eat.
So, there you go. Two big discoveries for me. Clean water and food!
I must re-charge my battery..now....I will write again very soon...
Your friend in time,
Ew, trash fruit! Poor Beau. :) - Scribal Goddess